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Page Revision: 2016/10/03 14:25


Revisions and pulls are performed by the same order ticket.

If revising orders then change the parameters, such as price or volume, by clicking on the value and either selecting or entering the correct value. Depending on the order type not all parameters can be changed, for example orders cannot be changed from Buys to Sells, or change from a Stop to a Limit order. In these cases you would need to pull the order and submit a new one. Once the parameters of the orders are the way you want them then click Revise to submit the changes.

Two options are available for pulling orders. If only one order is displayed, or you want to pull all the displayed orders then you can click the Pull All button. If multiple orders are displayed and you only want to pull some of them then you can either select the order and click the Pull button, or you can remove the orders you don’t want to pull by selecting them and clicking the Remove button and then click Pull All to pull the rest.

1Click here to change the properties for the order ticket.

2Pinning an order ticket keeps all those orders separate from new orders. Allow for easy tracking of a group of orders.

3List of orders that will either be revised or pulled.

4Change the limit price for all orders in the order ticket.

5Pull All orders listed in the grid, out of the market.

6Submit any revisions you have made to the listed orders.

7Removes any highlighted orders from the grid. Remove Does Not Pull the order, but only removes it from the ticket. Order is still working in the market.

8Pulls any highlighted (selected) orders out of the market.

9Closes the order ticket window.

Trade how you want, where you want

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